Jan 10, 2015

Getting well after an accident or illness!

After a very mayor tumble with serious consequences just before Christmas, when I was doing nothing more dangerous then sorting the sock inside my boot, I found myself having to do heal and recover on a level that has been a learning curve for me.
At age 57 I have never really been sick or so badly hurt that I have had to put my mind on how to make myself better. As a mother of 4 I have over half a life time learned how to, often instinctively, make them better when they have had all those mayor and minor accidents and illnesses. As with a lot of people that know how to help other it took me a minute to remember how to do this for myself.
One of my mantras in the Gaia Bathtime is ' That when you are not well, may this be your skin or your body, treat yourself as if you are a newborn baby.' We have this tendency as humans to put our bodies through though paces when we are not well, in an effort to perhaps toughen the body up so it will cope better.

The one most important step to getting better is just the opposite. Take it very easy, be gentle with your body and listen inside of yourself to what it is that your body needs.

Eat lots of really nourishing and cell repairing foods that you love. Foods that you remember your mother making for you when you where not well as a child. Chicken Soup and a Green Bean Soup made with a good solid bone stock is what makes me feel that I as I am on the way to recovery. Bother recipes that stem back to my mother and grand mother.

To help repair some skin and muscle damage with serious scaring I found Royal Jelly. Initially to eat daily but also to put direct onto the scaring. Once on the skin it formed what appears to be almost like a layer of skin. It slightly shiny and once dry I put some Rosa Mosqueta Balm on top and just before re applying I gently rubbed it with some Rosewater. It grumbles away, exfoliating and leaving the scar looking better after each application. It has and is repairing my face at fantastic speed.

Neat Lavender essential oil helped to keep the wound clean, antiseptic and healing and repairing fast. To help disperse bruising it was the biggest helper. I could see a fast improvement after avery application of it.

Next to make myself feel better I had massage and and also self massaged using my very own Gaia Mature Goddess Oil. Not only the harmonising essential oils helped to make me feel better but I also noticed that comforting scents and the healing touch made me feel better.

Wearing natural fibres and the comforting warmth and feel of cashmere directly on the skin made me feel comforted like a baby.

I found myself responding to lovely smells and after bathing with nurturing bath oils, applying massage oils, royal jelly, healing balms and dressing in soft cloth I found myself reaching for my Perfume .....

So stay safe, don't rush and if you are healing ....treat yourself like a baby!
A very happy, healthy and successful New Year to us all!

For further reading!

Royal Jelly!

Lavender Essential Oil

Rosa Mosqueta Oil

Gaia Mature Goddess Massage Oil & Rosa Mosqueta Skin Elixir
available from Gaia Bathtime, Calle Corderia 28, Palma de Mallorca

Cashmere and other natural fibre clothing

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