Good health and beauty on the outside can only be achieved holistically through a healthy balanced lifestyle- a wholesome diet and regular exercise and meditation.
YES and it is so true- but how many of us actually manage this throughout the year without failing. With the busy lifestyles many of us lead and the social commitments it's so easy to slip up and then it is OHH soo difficult to get back into the groove.
So to help me get back into the groove I have been encouraged by Amber who works with me to join her on her anual detox for lent. This is traditionally the period from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday to abstain from all stimulants, rich foods and treats.
In our case we are not drinking any tea coffee or alcohol, not eating meat or fish, no dairy no processed foods and Amber is not even eating any gluten.
My biggest worry was giving up tea and coffee as over the years I had convinced myself that the reason I am so wide awake and have this yes can do- lets get it done personality is thanks to the copious amounts of tea and coffee I drink. So biggest surprise of all was that once I got over the day 3 big headache from coffee and tea withdrawal I felt just the same. AND it was a great feeling to know that that energetic person is really just me and not the coffee speaking. I feel much better for it and I have to say less anxious and nervous for not drinking coffee any more. Instead I am drinking herbal teas, fresh squeezed juices, coconut water.
The other really very pleasant surprise was finding alternative sources of protein and consequently my
local Health-food shop around the corner from our GAIAbathtime shop on the Plaza Quatera in Palma
old town.
It has refreshed my food shopping experience completely! Shopping for things not packaged in mountains of plastic. Putting a handful of all the fresh, organic fruit and veg I desire into a small basket and from there straight into my shopping bag- wow.
I had got so accustomed to storming around my local corporate supermarket just throwing packs of this and that into my shopping basket, not really studying what I was buying and certainly not looking at prices- food just costs what it costs and you need to buy it, was my attitude. Now I actually browse around the my local Bio Shop marvelling on all sorts of foods I don' t know and certainly haven 't tried before- I am interested in the prices and I ask about methods of preparation. It has put pleasure into shopping for food again and consequently my enjoyment in what I cook and eat.
I have discovered Shia Seeds and Quinoa both as sources of protein as well as various seeds and nuts. I am making cheese from Cashew nuts and from Almonds.
I have been surprised how well I feel, my cravings for sweet things have gone and I am not missing the animal fats at all. I have lost a little weight and my skin has improved- so have my energy levels.
I eat 3 meals a day which is the first time since I was about 15. I had always managed on snacks during the day and one big meal in the evening. Most importantly I have realised that this is actually not about loosing weight and being super slim- its about being healthy and strong and in the best condition possible.
So what am I eating?
In the morning I have some chia seeds soaked over night in rice or almond milk with some fresh fruit and some oats sprinkled over the top.
For lunch I will have some soup- like a red lentil Dhal, or some brown or black rice and some stir fried vegetables or a really lovely green salad with avocado and tomatoes and some quinoa.
In the evening when I have more time to prepare I will make a vegetable sushi. I have made beetroot humous, nut cheeses and all sorts of easy and new and wonderful foods.
We started the year with a team exercise about finding core values. It was based on reflecting on ones strength and weaknesses and coming up with core values that will help structure and maximise the ratio of time and effort versus results.
One of my weaknesses was that despite the fact that I know that I work better - in a more focused way, if I start the day with some 20 minutes of exercise or meditation, I always find pathetic school girl excuses for myself not to have to do this. My resolution was to make a start, get into the groove and not let a few days of not doing them be a reason not to do them for the rest of the year. The secret if you have stopped for whatever reason- is to always start again asap. A bit like when you have a glass of celebration champagne- it is ok as long as next day it is straight back to the detox fast, with no intentions of giving up just because you had one glass of alcohol.
We have done 3 of 6 weeks ! Will this change the way I will feed myself forever? I really think so.
Will I have a glass of wine with my Easter feast?
YES and it is so true- but how many of us actually manage this throughout the year without failing. With the busy lifestyles many of us lead and the social commitments it's so easy to slip up and then it is OHH soo difficult to get back into the groove.
So to help me get back into the groove I have been encouraged by Amber who works with me to join her on her anual detox for lent. This is traditionally the period from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday to abstain from all stimulants, rich foods and treats.
In our case we are not drinking any tea coffee or alcohol, not eating meat or fish, no dairy no processed foods and Amber is not even eating any gluten.
Gaia snack-time |
Gaia tea-break |
Gaia healthy-snack time |
The other really very pleasant surprise was finding alternative sources of protein and consequently my
local Health-food shop around the corner from our GAIAbathtime shop on the Plaza Quatera in Palma
old town.
It has refreshed my food shopping experience completely! Shopping for things not packaged in mountains of plastic. Putting a handful of all the fresh, organic fruit and veg I desire into a small basket and from there straight into my shopping bag- wow.
I had got so accustomed to storming around my local corporate supermarket just throwing packs of this and that into my shopping basket, not really studying what I was buying and certainly not looking at prices- food just costs what it costs and you need to buy it, was my attitude. Now I actually browse around the my local Bio Shop marvelling on all sorts of foods I don' t know and certainly haven 't tried before- I am interested in the prices and I ask about methods of preparation. It has put pleasure into shopping for food again and consequently my enjoyment in what I cook and eat.
I have discovered Shia Seeds and Quinoa both as sources of protein as well as various seeds and nuts. I am making cheese from Cashew nuts and from Almonds.
I have been surprised how well I feel, my cravings for sweet things have gone and I am not missing the animal fats at all. I have lost a little weight and my skin has improved- so have my energy levels.
I eat 3 meals a day which is the first time since I was about 15. I had always managed on snacks during the day and one big meal in the evening. Most importantly I have realised that this is actually not about loosing weight and being super slim- its about being healthy and strong and in the best condition possible.
So what am I eating?
In the morning I have some chia seeds soaked over night in rice or almond milk with some fresh fruit and some oats sprinkled over the top.
For lunch I will have some soup- like a red lentil Dhal, or some brown or black rice and some stir fried vegetables or a really lovely green salad with avocado and tomatoes and some quinoa.
In the evening when I have more time to prepare I will make a vegetable sushi. I have made beetroot humous, nut cheeses and all sorts of easy and new and wonderful foods.
We started the year with a team exercise about finding core values. It was based on reflecting on ones strength and weaknesses and coming up with core values that will help structure and maximise the ratio of time and effort versus results.
One of my weaknesses was that despite the fact that I know that I work better - in a more focused way, if I start the day with some 20 minutes of exercise or meditation, I always find pathetic school girl excuses for myself not to have to do this. My resolution was to make a start, get into the groove and not let a few days of not doing them be a reason not to do them for the rest of the year. The secret if you have stopped for whatever reason- is to always start again asap. A bit like when you have a glass of celebration champagne- it is ok as long as next day it is straight back to the detox fast, with no intentions of giving up just because you had one glass of alcohol.
We have done 3 of 6 weeks ! Will this change the way I will feed myself forever? I really think so.
Will I have a glass of wine with my Easter feast?
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