Aug 28, 2014

Female Company

On how spending time regularly with other women will enhance your well being

“A friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.” ― George Eliot

After spending a week with my daughter on a 'Girl Time Holiday' we both noticed how we felt really well. Not only did we decide to eat well, drink a lot of water and little alcohol, spend time every day swimming in the sea but we basically did all those girly things that we deny ourselves whilst living our daily lives in the company * mostly* of our men. I had noticed this feeling of wellness before when I have spend time living with girl friends while the men were away.

It got me to thinking how in the olden day household there would be a number of women from probably three generations or more living under the same roof. Doing their daily chores, caring for young and old and looking after the men folk. Women living together for prolonged periods all start menstruating together and it stands to reason that if such a balancing of hormones is possible pre menstrual women could be positively affected by post menopausal women and visa versa…. and as a result an improved feeling of wellness and physical harmony.

Spending time with girl friends means making small, healthy and pretty dishes as opposed to the high calorie, high protein, massive energy meals we make for our men. It means deciding to drink less together and agreeing on a Detox and sticking to it. It means being able to share our thoughts and feelings and actually feeling understood. This could leave us feeling revitalised  and positive.

The German Ladies in my Pilates class refer to the men away as "Schoner Wohnen' roughly translates as 'prettier living'!

So here is my plan…
I shall make a list of girl friends .
Call them regular
Meet up with one or more to have girl time together.
Do things like have light lunches together
Go to the Sauna together
Take a holiday together
Take time to go and swim in the sea and sit and chat.

On holiday with my daughter Georgia from

“True friends are like diamonds – bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style.” 

                          ― Nicole Richie


  1. This is the most beautiful and accurate statement I read in the last few month. And I think it's especially those mother-daughter times, wich are really relaxing. Greatings from cold germany ;)

    1. xoxoxox Thank you Vera! Warm hugs back to you from Mallorca
