Feb 14, 2012

Spiritual Parenthood 1

...you do not become a spiritual parent, you can only grow to be one...

The Ultimate Test
Mika - my first baby decided to arrive to this world quite unexpectedly. So as soon as I found out I was pregnant I started to realize how very true is the saying that pregnancy and birth are the ultimate test of character. Whether planned or unplanned, with every baby the mother is handed a blank page to write on and it is only up to her to create a Nobel prize novel or a crap read. Babies come equiped with the most sensitive radar picking up on your moods, tensions and insecurities already long before the birth.

Little Budha baby
It might as well be that the new spirit that came in the form of your baby has chosen you on purpose. I like to think that babies are old souls entrusted to us for guidance and sustanance on the physical level. Spiritually they are the most conscious gurus demanding us to be fully present here and now. Remember any baby has the potential to be the next Jesus, Budha or Allah, treat them with respect as such.

Considering having a child?
If you want to prepare for motherhood, let the life itself be your teacher, every experience, every skills you gain will come handy sooner or later. Learn to approach the everyday challanges with a smile, creativity and appetite to for experimenting. In most case pregnancy and birthing are as easy or as difficult as you make them for yourself.
Baby Mika loves to hang out with his dad

Love matters
In addition be sure that the arrival of the first baby is also a tough test of every relationship. The effect of the physical strain of the birthing and getting used to irregular sleeps puts lots of pressure on you, while your partner has to reinvent himself and his relationship to you.  Involve your man right from the beginning and trust in his parenting instincts just as much as you trust in yours.
Now is the moment to love generously and with compassion - LOVE your vulnarable baby, your man but most of all YOURSELF.
Allow the time for all of you to readjust and don´t let any initial mishaps bring you down.

Parenthood is the best opportunity you will ever have to become better people.
Grow and flourish alongside your child to be more complete and wiser human beings.
Blanca and baby Mika sending
lots of love from sunny Thailand

If you are pregnant, considering pregnancy or being a new mum, come to see us at GAIA for valuable advice.

In the GAIA team we have all sorts of very useful skills and knowledge to offer - Trudi, mother of 4 - expert on home birth and natural babycare, Rosa - certified kindergarden teacher and baby swimming instructor and Blanca - a brand new mum of 2 month old Mika - will tell you all the ins-n-outs how to survive hospital birth, I have great tips for fixing and toning yourself up naturally in the tender zones - healing perineum stitches etc, tested on myself so please write to me for personalized advice - blanca.ticha@gmail.com.

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