Feb 24, 2016

The 7 Chakras- Gaia Chakra Balms

The idea to create balms to help harmonise the chakras came from Callum's ability, to smell colours. 

Last year we designed a very unique perfume, Blau, which was composed of all the scents that resonated with Callum, to create a perfume that smelled and radiated the perfect Gaia blue. 


This year we decided to put Callum to the    test, and we took out all of our many essential oil bottles, got some coffee grounds on hand and started working our way through the bottles, placing them in order of the colours of our chakras. 

So, I guess to understand why we wanted to do this I will have to explain a little bit about chakras and why we believe that creating scents that would emanate the chakra colours would be beneficial. 
Chakras are what are known in Sanskrit as wheels or vortexes of energy and are located at intervals along our body. There are seven major chakras that start at the base of our spine and run up to the crown of our head and it is believed that they are intimately connected with our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. When a chakra is imbalanced we may suffer from physical symptoms corresponding to that chakra, for example when our second chakra (sacral area) is imbalanced we may suffer from problems in our lower digestive organs or the reproductive system. There are also emotional implications for an imbalanced chakra. If our sacral chakra is imbalanced, which is intimately associated with our reproductive organs, in the case of chakra insufficiency we may feel sexual repression or compulsive sexuality in the case of an overactive chakra.

Each Chakra has its own unique colour, that run from red to indigo so  what we decided to do was allocate our essential oils their own chakra colour group with the help of Callum. We lay out the different chakras on a table and using colour prompts worked our way through all of the essential oils.

The last step was to research each essential oil in its chakra group and see which ones held the most beneficial properties for problems associated with that particular chakra and then combine them to make a blend that would be both beneficial and pleasant. 

We infused gentle organic oil balms in pocket size jars with these essential oil blends. The idea is to massage the chakra gently with the appropriate balm when you need a little help.

The whole exercise was fun, illuminating and educational. It was amazing to work with someone who has such a gift like and makes you realise how much more we still have to discover.

Chacra references- 

First chakra, the root chakra. Colour – red. Element – earth
Base of spine, hip joints and feet. Connects us to the earth, giving us our basic instincts, trust, loyalty and providing us with our ability to stand alone. 
Second chakra, the sacral chakra. Colour – orange. Element- water
Reproductive organs, kidneys and bladder. Arouses in us our emotions, creativity and sensuality, our feelings, passions and opinions.
Third chakra, the solar plexus. Colour – yellow. Element – fire
Liver, gallbladder, stomach, eye sight. This is our assertiveness and our confidence, it gives us personal power, self-esteem and control.
Fourth chakra, the heart chakra. Colour – green. Element – air
Heart, breasts and blood vessels. Our heart chakra gives us hope and love, joy and sadness and is the connection between upper and lower chakras.
Fifth chakra, the throat chakra. Colour- blue. Element – ether
Throat and thyroid, voice, mouth and lymph glands. Speaking ones truth, communication and listening and surrendering to ones destiny.
Sixth chakra, the brow chakra or third eye. Colour – indigo. Element – light
Brain and pituitary gland. Intuition and clairvoyance with the ability to visualize and understand our life purpose and maintaining goals.
Seventh chakra, the crown chakra. Colour – violet. Element – cosmic sound
Brain and pineal gland. Searching for enlightenment, connection to the highest self and spiritual integration.  

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