Late in 2012 I got to thinking a lot about those essential oils that mimic our hormones and on what level there is room for self help. When, like myself, the ups and downs of menopause are getting you down and when you have anxiety attacks, hot flushes and a sadness that comes over you for no reason at all. This led me to thinking about the mood swings in the menstrual cycle of young women and how every month they have to deal with confidence issues, mood swings, anxieties and physical issues like feeling bloated or tender
I looked at a lot of essential oils and their properties and blended two fundamentally different oils that need to be applied to the areas of our body where we store fats.... the hips, thighs, our bottoms, breasts and upper arms. These oils are for self massage should be applied daily.
I made these oils for all my women friends as christmas presents and of course made one for myself. I labelled them Goddess Body Massage Oils, one for a Mature Goddess and one for a Young Goddess.
My Young Godesses whose essential oils include Lavender, Rose and Geranium also suspended in Onagra, Rosa
Mosqueta and Organic Sunflower, report a great improvement at 'That Time of the Month' and an overall increase in confidence and sense of well being. Into their range I also included a Painful Period Bath Oil.
For the younger man, the range helps build confidence and helps with setting the mood for Love. This range is called 'Young Sex God'. Includes essential oils of Clary
Sage, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Lemon, Corriander and Nutmeg.
I looked at a lot of essential oils and their properties and blended two fundamentally different oils that need to be applied to the areas of our body where we store fats.... the hips, thighs, our bottoms, breasts and upper arms. These oils are for self massage should be applied daily.
I made these oils for all my women friends as christmas presents and of course made one for myself. I labelled them Goddess Body Massage Oils, one for a Mature Goddess and one for a Young Goddess.
The Mature Goddess Oil has an aroma therapy strength oil blend that contains essential oils ofGinger, Ylang, Camomile, Clary Sage, Fennel, Angelica, Marjoram some of which mimic the hormone Oestragen, some calm you down, some pick you up, some stimulate your female organs or simply induce a feeling of well being. The base for this essential oil blend includes more oils that enhance female wellness ,Evening Primrose, Rosa Mosqueta also known as Rosehip Oil and Organic Sunflower.
Since my ´Mature Goddess´ friends and I have been using it we have found that indeed they do help. I have also noticed that the daily self massage using these essential oils has made my tummy and upper arms firmer. The mature Goddess Range also includes a 'Feel Sexy Bath Oil' to help get us back into the mood and into the swing of Love.
To serve all Goddesses I have created a Re-Balancing Rollon, reuniting all the essentails oils from the orange tree, its blossom, its leaves and stems.
So that our Men should not feel left out I have also made a Shower Gel, a Body Massage Oil and an essential oil blend to add to a candle for a Mature God to restore youthful energy.
I called this range 'The Boss'. Amongst those essential oils are Sandalwood, Geranium, Cumin, Ginger, Clary Sage, Rose, Bergamot and Lemon.
The final touch, and this is´Gaia Perfecting´, we have a new Anti Stress Pillow Spray, for a quick spray of Lemon, Corriander and Nutmeg before bed time.
GAIAbathtime. Calle Corderia 28, Palma de Mallorca